Waves for days
This project came out of a post we did on Facebook showing some carving cuts done on our newly accquired CNC Router.  The router was purchased to facilitate another project.  But once we began learning more about what all could be done with it, the ideas began flowing like Niagra Falls.  The original post simply showed a photograph of a wave pattern carved into a piece of ash wood that had come from the scrap pile.

A friend saw the post and showed it to her employer.  Shortly thereafter we got the call requesting a commissioned piece.

The piece was to be a corner cabinet with one drawer and a shelf below.  They wanted the front and top covered in the wave pattern.  We sent over some designs and got a quick approval to move forward with one of our ideas.  The piece took about two weeks to build and finish.  Once completed we delivered it to Dallas, where it fit perfectly in it’s new home.  It is truly one-of-a-kind and while we can do something similar for other customers, we will not duplicate the piece exactly. Because when a customer commissions work, we consider the design to be his or hers alone, not to be copied unless he or she  requests multiple copies of that design.

And you thought we were kidding when we said we turn ideas into heirlooms?  Not even.

Wave Cabinet delivered...